Mourning, GA

Weird things keep happening in Mourning.Mourning, GA is an (intended) series where supernatural occurances befall a sleepy southern town.
Pilot story: 44 S. Surrey StreetThree years ago, Mourning was your average small southern town: quiet, traditional, and full of kids who couldn’t wait to get out.
Two years ago, an innocent enough Homecoming night turned to tragedy as everyone attending Leigh Ritter's highly anticipated afterparty was mysteriously knocked unconscious. And, when everyone came to, the hostess was gone without a trace.
Over the next year and a half, the small town was turned upside down as parents, authorities, and those not at the party dealt with the fallout of the 44 S. Surrey Street incident. Search parties and investigations went on for Leigh while families and friends dealt with caring for the silenced witnesses of her disappearance: over 100 of the town's teens, who were left mute, catatonic, and completely unable to take care of themselves. Authorities had no leads, no capable witnesses, and the case ran cold until two years later when the victims finally came to—speaking, laughing, and continuing life almost as if the past two years had never happened.
They’ve returned to St. Elizabeth's to finish their last years of school as a part of a program started in tandem by the school, hospital, and local government to help re-acclimate them to the world. The police reopened the case now that every witness can tell what little of their tale they can. Slowly but surely, things seem to return to as normal as they can but, not everything is exactly as it seems as the S. Surrey St. victims have come into mysterious abilities.
Peculiar Creatures

Peculiar Creatures: Rowan Fine’s Guide to Limen Fae is a fiction story that follows the journeys of Isabella Singer, a girl missing for over a decade, and Hyunjae Lee, a teenager that doesn’t fit in anywhere, as they are exposed to brand new worlds and have their lives turned upside down. Set in a mining town called Limen, the two protagonists find unexpected friendship in one another as long-hidden truths are uncovered.
Isabella Singer. a free-spirited girl that went missing as a child. She was spirited away into the fae realm and finds her way back home 12 years later. After rapidly aging, she comes to realize just how long her “quick trip” to the fairy world was and the state of her family as a result of her disappearance. All the while grabbling with this, she is forced to navigate a now unfamiliar town that was once her home.
Hyunjae “Jae” Lee. a changeling that has managed to live far past the expected age, though his body protests in the form of chronic pain. With his parents, and him, sadly unaware of his origin, Hyunjae is loved endlessly but he often finds himself unsure and out of place in the world he grew up in. He works as a miner after dropping out of school. Every day, he unwittingly happens upon red flags that suggest he isn’t the person he thinks he is.
Sleepless in Seoul

Are you alone?
We need to talk every day because the night makes us colder and lose more strength. However we do it, we must hug each other. You can pester me even more, even if I can’t see you from up close.
Are you still alone?
'Sleepless in Seoul' is the umbrella term for Seoul-based characters that I've aquired and favored over the years before leaving RPR. What you'll see in these stories is only my halves of the colorful cast of twoish groups of characters I've come to know as inextricably intertwined (but, perhaps, members of the other halves will make cameos uwu). These guys all live in the same universe, but the separate groups likely won't ever interact with each other outside of me sneaking in stupid references like how Jiyu looks
exactly like former idol-actress Shin Jiyoung because I got too attached to both characters as that particular fc to change one of them xD
So Lucky! So Lucky! follows a group of characters connected (some loosely) to one another via Seo Lucky Entertainment—a company started by a stinky grumpy manager and his adorable sister (Lucky). After the two left their neglectful company, they dragged a few talents (Paul, Stella, Lilt) and staff members (Kevin) along and recruited the only woman they know strong (and smart) enough to help them out (Shin-hee). Loyal stans (Anri) and talented friends (Sunny) are a natural part of the package deal. These are their stores dun dun
Little Women. Kwon Jiyu, Ha So Ra, and Camila Figueroa have nothing to do with each other in a broad sense. However, they are all young women trying to make their way in the world (and I'm lumping them together purely because they definitely couldn't go under So Lucky! umbrella, despite being created with the same rp partner in mind. Jiyu is a conglomerate heiress, weighed down by the opperesive force of her mother's expectations, though she finds an unlikely ally in a man who's both her polar opposite and more like her than she could ever imagine. So Ra is a resting-sad-faced classical musician and sweets enthusiast whose instrument of choice comedically dwarfs her small frame. All she knows is be bisexual, walk dog, eat hot chip, and lie (bc it's funny). Camila is a budding celebrity from Spain, based in Seoul. She started out as one of the many participants in one of the many foreigner-centric panel shows that come out of SK. She's just trying to live her life while pretending like she doesn't get all three of the languages she speaks jumbled in her head at the worst times. As of writing this, I've decided they become unlikely friends in a meet cute I'd like to write one day lol.
Miso's World. It's Miso's world and we're all just living in it!! Miso is known as a fierce dancer, beloved podcast host, and the energizer bunny leader of Auroura...or is she Dia's maknae now? Actually, she's neither! When her old company screws her over, Miso breaks her contract and it just so happens to be at the same time that her old friend (Taeyang) decides to stop being a staff member to focus on his theater career. She'll never let him live his cheesy gesture down; especially now that they're both affiliated with a brand new place: MAMA Entertainment! Started by an early gen icon and named in honor of his gf (Quyen)—so corny!—Mama aims to be a permanent and fair home to it's tiny roster of...uniquely quirky artists. And it seems like the only one truly quelling the chaos is the woman that already has two other children to take care of (Jiyoung).
Jeju Blues

Everyone knows Jeju as a the beautiful island paradise that it is, but doesn't anyone care when its residents have their days? Those days where nothing quite seems right and the aggressive sea-born downpours keep everyone inside. Or those days where it's beautiful out and everything's going right. The island of Yeongwon may be a tiny part of Jeju, but it's just as bursting with life as anywhere else. From the gruffest of natives (Sinae) to even the newest of faces (Inkyu, Jinjoo), everyone in Yeongwon has a story to tell. Are you willing to hear them out?
Kim Sinae is Yeongwon's youngest haenyeo diver and she can drink even the sturdiest of boat captains under the table—both stellar accomplishments, but she holds onto a fluxuating fear of drowning and there's a darkness brewing in her home life.
Hong Jinjoo is bright and friendly, easily befriending her neighbors mere hours after truly stepping outside in her new home for the first time. Still, despite the effort of her inlaws, there's little to quell the dull ache that comes with losing your soulmate.
Jung Inkyu's near death experience spurs him to find a new purpose in life and that purpose comes from the hearth. With a dream to open a restaurant to employ and rehab both former convicts and at-risk youth, he moves to the place where he was his happiest growing up. Now, he just needs to get acclimated to the idea that the people he calls his neighbors could actually be worthwhile friends.

Alryn is a town nestled at the crux of civilization—the castle walls sitting just a few miles in one direction, while the forest, teeming with wildlife and the fae, lies in the opposite. Alryn is a place where many walks of life live and coexist (mostly) in peace. The citizens of Alryn live each day without expectations. Will the knights pass through, triumphant? Or downtrodden? Who is the promiscuous duke's next bed partner? What will the mysterious apothecary (Angelina) bring to the weekend market? And what stories will be regaled before the innkeeper's (Khayr) warming fireplace? And...why are so many people two towns over succumbing to a mysterious illness? ...Huh! Who knows! Only time will tell.
The Unfortunate House Gauthier

Aalis Gauthier is the young and unfortunate viceroy suo jure of the Villeport province. She sits on the throne as an avatar of the King (same Kingdom as Alryn, but Villeport is a distant territory, an entire land away) instead of her brother and father who have disappear and died, respectively. Gaining her title rather young, only once she felt her position and homeland secure enough, Aalis embarked on a personal mission to find her missing brother because of the incessant feeling in her gut that he is out there somewhere, alive and well. During diplomatic trips, she would search and ask around. In her free time, she would do the very same.
Nearly a decade into her rule, Aalis still works tirelessly outside of her duties on the search for her missing brother. Over the years, she's had many leads, and she's traveled many paths, but all of them take her to dead ends. Despite still holding onto the feeling that the eldest child of the late Lord Gauthier is still alive and out there somewhere, she's starting to lose momentum and the will to continue. Still, she's determined to find her brother's location, or even a sure confirmation that he's passed so she can give him a proper send off and mourning. Things begin to change when she, aided by an ally, begins to uncover a lot of secrets that were previously buried with her father. And they seem to link all the deaths and disappearances around the Villeport ruling family.

Shin Arang is the audacious and inquisitive daughter of a high-ranking scholar, with ideals that far exceed the norms expected of her. Most scandalously, she's unmarried well into her twenties. It isn't that she has unmarriable flaws. No, quite the opposite, in fact. She's beautiful, intelligent, and generally enjoyable to be around, but she's so staunchly against the institution of marriage. She's dead set on being a scholar and an old maid—free from all the trappings of married life. Fed up one day, her father insists that she must show some inkling of responsibility for the family name before he'll even entertain the idea.
Gu Haneol, is a fresh-faced minted private litigation agent. She's spent her entire childhood in prison for her mother's crimes, planting a seed of justice deep in the darkest bowels of her soul. She's loud, impulsive, and charismatic and refuses to see anyone wrongly accused or picked on for their lower status. While working on a new case, Haneol comes across information on her lineage that suggests a lifestyle she's never even imagined for herself—that of a respectable yangban lady.
With a new "cousin" living in their estate, Arang is presented with an offer: help tutor and acclimate somehow brasher Haneol to the ways of a yangban woman and she can remain as unmarried as she'd like, for as long as she'd like. Only, it's a task easier said than done as the young sisters balance differing passions, ideals, and their own unexpected relationships.

Lavinia and Emaline are close friends that met by happenstance when the former's father worked as a lawyer for the latter's family. They were barely 10 and 11 then, but they were fast friends and have been joined at the hip ever since. Despite their vastly different personalities and approaches to life, they support one another in nearly everything.
When a distant cousin of Emaline moves to the city on temporary business, he offers to sponsor her for the upcoming season. It's a sensible arrangement with her being from Wales and having both elder siblings busy with their own responsibilities and families, but Emaline would rather lie in hot coals than participate. Lavina, on the other hand, would give anything to be in her shoes.
The friends see this open offer as the perfect opportunity to get what they both want. This cousin has never met Emaline; he doesn't even know her name, and wouldn't possibly be the wiser if the girls made a switch. So, they do!
Now in London, mingling among the ton, Lavinia Pritchard has become Lavinia Dawson while Emaline relishes in the opportunity to exist freely in public as Lavinia's half brother—the dashing and charismatic Elias.
Inferno, Inc.

Aaalright, welcome to Hell. I'm not really the intake guy, so I don't really know what I'm doing. I'm covering for him since he promised to bring me Earth snacks when he comes back from his 'sick' day. ahem Anyway..erm..uh...ooh! Okay- here, listen-
When you picture Hell, what do you think of? Seas of fire? Terrifying monsters roaming about, terrorizing the damned? Well, that's totally wrong...kind of. You're thinking of the torture park, which is liiiike 20 miles that-a way 👉
In truth, Hell isn't very different from the land of the living (and neither is Heaven, but we don't really talk about those guys). As humans modernized, so did we, and now demons liken you and I, are forced to work 'day' jobs to make a living. I'm Marcho, by the way—Marchosias, if you wanna be irritating. I work here, obviously—Inferno, Inc: the first stopping point for humans entering the underworld. We do all the stupid ass paperwork and logistics shit...figuring out what they did, what district they need to be in...slingshotting them up to the big man if they're mistakingly damned. Oh! and orientation for newly deviled people like you! Congrats on that, by the way. Welcome to the cool side hehe anyway- Eh, at Inferninc, we do everything human, really. We dispatch the shoulder imps—and place bets on our team or the other guys. We screen summonings, we shoo away pesky edgy teens...etcetera etcetera...
Somehow, I have the worst job in the whole company—I actually work DR, which means I've gotta deal with all the stupid disputes and misconduct complaints for all of the other imps and devils working around me. I almost wished I was doing HR; at least I can scare humans into behaving like normal, functioning adu—
What? her? She always comes around to annoy m— No no no, wait- don't worry about her. I'm talking here. Who gives a damn what one of the princesses is doin— yes, we're a monarchy. It's stupid as shit, but I don't really pay them any mind on my own accord. It's not like Ira or one of her brothers, or the other one, is the one signing my checks, y'know? But, I guess her hellhound is cute...actually- gimme a second- I'm gonna go pet it.
Marlowe's Magnificent Menagerie

Come one, come all to Marlowe's Magnificent Menagerie! Behold the skills, the feats, the majesty of walks of life you've never even dreamed of seeing—beasts capable of take winged flight within an instant; shapeshifting acrobats (Yue Qian), disappearing contortionists (Ada), maidens of the deep; the strongest child in the world, and a sword swallower who fancies the taste of his own blood. Whatever you’re here for: the Menagerie has it all!
Percival Marlowe is an evil man—a manipulative snake that'll do everything in his power to ensure his carnies heed his word. But...he wasn't always like that. When the Menagerie was first started, Marlowe was a lonely and frightened immortal that'd seen far too much loss for one soul to bear. The circus was a misguided attempt to keep his remaining loved ones safe, and to open his doors as a lifeline for anyone else. In a world that hated them—that hated freaks—the traveling circus was a way to get humans on their side while keeping his wards safe inside the barrier of his protection. After all, if they hunted all of them, there would be no Menagerie. There would be no inhuman displays, not seen anywhere else, to keep them entertained!
But, Marlowe was young and not quite as powerful as he needed to be. Hunters still found their ways. Decades passed, sometimes with stretches of no murders and other times with friends and familiy being picked off like flies within weeks. In that time, Marlowe grew more paranoid, and he was driven more and more mad in his incessant quest for more power, so no one could dare harm them again.
And he did it. He succeeded. But at what cost?
It's been nearly 200 years since the circus first opened its doors, and a little more than 150 since its surrounding woods became in impenetrable wall—keeping its paranatural residents in and its fleeting human spectaters sedate. Many have tried to leave, to run away from the fate none could have predicted, but they find themselves stepping right back onto the grounds as if they'd merely been turned around in a fog. And those brave enough to storm his tent and demand an out find themselves caught in a battle of wills and wit, where Marlowe's carefully crafted words of manipulation see them leaving soonerafter, completely and utterly subdued. However, not everyone is deadset on leaving.
New York Fables

We all have fairytales that we know and love, but how much of what we see is the truth?
Did you know that Goldilocks was the real victim? Would you believe me if I said the Devil was a gentleman and that every villain he persuaded was already far gone? It doesn't matter what you believe, because it's all true! And lots of fables are sick of living in a fantasy world full of toxic positivity and unfair 'happy' endings. So, a group of them escaped their stories to establish several homes existing between theirs and ours: Fabletowns.
This particular Fabletown is a quaint, idealistic enclave hidden in the shadows of Manhattan. Your favorite heroes, villains, princes and princesses, and talking animals have run from Storybook in search of freedom and the opportunity to write their own tales. But now, they're faced with the hardships of adapting to a modernized world where sex, violence, and an overwhelming amount of moral ambiguity are all as abundant as the air we breathe. Some may run back to their stories with their tails between their legs but, for others, this is as good as it gets.