the apothecary,the magister, the herbal witch
Endlessly kind, but a touch off-putting, Angelina is known as the apothecary, or the Magister in certain circles. She is an herbalist and healer for the people of Alryn and whoever else will make the journey to see her. She is quite knowledgeable and well-versed in healing a myriad of ailments, be they physical or mental woes of the more minor variety.
FULL NAME Angelina
OTHER NAMES Lina, Master Angelina
AGE + DOB 26, December 28th
ZODIAC Capricorn
PRONOUNS she/her/hers
ORIENTATION grayromantic / graysexual
OCCUPATION apothecary
CURRENT HOME Blackwood Forest, Alryn in the Kingdom of Tradian
LANGUAGE(S) common tongue, various fae languages
PARENTS Ealdwine (adoptive)
SIBLINGS Sera (adoptive)
OTHER(S) n/a
HAIR med. brown, long, functional styling
EYES green, left pupil blown out
HEIGHT 5′ 9″ / 175 cm
BUILD thin
SCARS various from years of manual labor
CHARACTER TRAITS kind, loyal, inquisitive, direct, inflexible, antisocial
PHOBIAS lightning storms, large bodies of water
MBTI ISTJ (The Logistician)
MORAL ALIGNMENT neutral good
DRUG + ALCOHOL USE alcohol, occasionally
Angelina was orphaned before she could even utter her first words, her parents having perished in a bandit ambush with mere moments to tuck her tiny form away in a crowding of bushes. She was found, barely clinging to life, days later by the apothecary that lived in the same woods. The man raised her alongside another stray child; he loved her as if she were his own and he taught her everything he knew.
Alongside her sister, she was trained in the ways of herbal medicine and horticulture along with learning to walk, read, write, and speak. And she showed a special proclivity for it—taking to the skill like breathing when her sister seemed more reluctant. Unlike most folk who were shielded away from the world of the fae that lie on the other side of the ancient stone wall that splits Blackwood Forest, Angelina was practically thrust into interacting with them in the everyday when the inhuman beings would pass by or come to the Apothecary for the cure to their ailments.
For her entire youth, it was just Angelina, her sister, and their father. Sometimes, a traveler would find shelter in their home—for a few days, for a few months; it varied. But, it was always just them at the end of it all.
Over the years, she came to understand why the Apothecary, and their home, remained tucked away deep in the forests surrounding the kingdom—why they never moved away from the cottage by the wall. Human man is cowardly and unkind towards that which they don't understand but, from an early age, it was instilled in her to be one of the few that existed as a warm presence for human- and fae-kind alike. They had to stay put, deep in the Blackwood Forest, in the name of being available to all walks of life.
It was a very quiet, simplistic youth, made precious by seeing fleeting friends' faces light up when their ailments eased or as they laughed at stories over warming bowls of stew. If a guest skilled in the art of the sword, or embroidery, or anything else felt like sharing, young Angelina was eager to learn in the name of a little fun. She was happy and that's all that could be said through her adolescence until she experienced loss in a way she never had.
When Angelina was on the cusp of her twenties, her father fell ill. It was sudden and steadily progressive with the herbalists doing everything they could to find a cure. They researched, they experimented, and they consulted other professionals who might know what they didn't. In the end, however, it was all fruitless. Angelina's mentor and father grew sicker and sicker until he was confined to his deathbed, leaving her and her sister to continue the search for a cause and cure on her own.
Ultimately, there was no use and he ended up dying just a few years after the first symptoms appeared. Sure, Angelina had witnessed death before. Clients died from their own incurable diseases or due to waiting just a bit too long to venture to the Apothecary. They killed fresh game regularly to prepare for the daily meals, too. But having the only parent she'd ever truly known be gone suddenly was a heavy blow that knocked Lina off of her usually steady feet. She closed shop and mourned her father for as long as she could, with no intentions of carrying on. But clients unaware of his passing would drop by after days and weeks on the road just to seek help and she could never find it in her broken heart to turn them away.
After less than a month, she reopened the Apothecary and took over the business as she'd been raised to do while dealing with the emptiness of the cottage after an explosive fight sent her already distant elder sister packing. She's been going nonstop ever since, so both the common folk and fae could continue having someone to go to at their own times of need.
Angelina has no formal education in anything expected of a "respectable" woman her age. She is, however, literate (reading and writing) and extremely well-versed in the local flora, fauna, and even a few kinds of flora from distant lands. She loves to learn about the natural world around her, as well as the fae world people like to pretend doesn't exist just past the magically reinforced wall that splits the woods in half.
She is very serious about her profession. With a heavy price only afforded by kings, nobles, and elites hanging over trained physician care, she is a major source of medical relief for the common people. She goes into town a few days at the end of every week to run the apothecary shop where she sells the medicines, cosmetics, perfumes, shampoos and soaps, cleaning agents, and clothing dyes that Alryn’s people would otherwise only be able to get by traveling to her cottage in the Blackwood.
Savvies and Ineptitudes
While the apothecary is very knowledgeable in her field, she's not exactly the most skilled in the social department. She can be awkward, there are times when it's clear that she's rehearsed non-work social interactions, and her personal relationships have suffered into near-nonexistence because of how strictly she keeps to her little corner of the world. She has two friends, despite a lifetime of opportunities in meeting new people. Growing up, the only constants she had were her father and whatever animal(s) they were nursing back to health or raising at that time. Sometimes, they had regular clients come by, but Lina largely had no genuine friends or anyone close to her age to interact with. She's very sure and confident when talking about medicine; not so much when making social calls. She also has a tendency to get extremely overwhelmed by constant, cacaphanous noise and doesn't always react favorably. Usually, she tries to separate herself from the noise/situation; this is not always possible.
mushroom patties, mixed pickles, mulled wine, shades of red, sunsets, the dapple of sunlight through the trees, animals, horticulture, drawing, singing while working (only when alone), and playing the lute.
very lean game, departed creamed fish, thunderstorms, and snooty nobles.
Religious Views
Not particularly religious, Angelina acknowledges the existence of a, or possibly many, higher beings, but she doesn't feel very strongly about them. She's very adaptable and will respect the wishes of clients by praying to whatever god they worship whenever she's asked.
Angelina's motivation is kept alive through the Apothecary, the people, and the intense desire to make her late father proud. She wants to continue the legacy of the man that, despite being a complete mystery to all, was so well-loved and respected for everything he'd done for the common folk.
When she isn't brewing medicines or cosmetics, Angelina enjoys the arts. She loves to draw, to sing, and idly strumming tunes on the lyre gifted to her in exchange for services some time ago. She also takes great care in illustrating her research journals, something she can't necessarily do when in the midst of a client consultation.
Angelina had a childhood dog named Rory, but she died of old age just two years ago. She is currently raising a Forest Cat named Irina and an Irish Wolfhound named Lir. More functional than companion, but loved all the same, she has a handful of chickens, two goats, and a donkey named Masha.