Queen is optimistic, excitable, and self-starting. Very crafty and thrifty, she'll take any chance for a reduced price. She's not super committal and will dive headfirst into an experience or opportunity and happily deal with any consequences later. Wild ways aside, she's well-mannered—when it's due—and would give someone the shirt off her back if they needed it.
likes: red lipstick, webcomics, visual novel games, horror and supernatural media, funky earrings, spicy food, sweets, dark humor, tiktok dances, and sunshowers
dislikes: bland food, gloomy weather, and bugs
hobbies: learning choreography, reading webcomics, playing the sims 3, makeup, and drawing/painting
- can fast rap without slipping up
- can lick her elbow
- has a cat
- allergic to cats and shellfish; she does not care
- speaks Vietnamese (6), French (4), Korean (4), and English (3)
- on the verge of being a hoarder but she's really organized about it, okay?
- immaculate vibes, attracts scorpios